晙红™ Jun Hong Red™ Industry
The top Uranium, U235, Red Uranium, 铀235
Domain `www.uranium.top` is a collection owned by undefined and reserved for him!
该域名属于 undefined 的收藏并长期服务预留。
This domain is a private asset owned and managed by JH.W Jun Hong Industry.
该域名是 Jun Hong Industry 的私有资产.
Greeting, Welcome to Jun Hong Red Industry, The root of undefined.
Salve! 欢迎来到 晙红, 这里是 undefined 之原。
Jun.Red™ is the creative private TLD(Top-level domain) of JH.W
(Harold, undefined), the archetype of his nomenclature and refer to his cyber brand which is the formal name of the Bean.
Jun.Red™ 是 JH.W 的私人品牌,创意顶级域名(jhTLD)系统以及包含他的旗下私人子站点的服务群,同时是Bean 的正式商标名称,作为 undefined 系统命名法。
Descendants: wu.jun.red, harold.jun.red, me.jun.red, home.jun.red, dragon.jun.red, nut.jun.red, bean.jun.red | Object-NIC: nic.jun.red, nic.nest.red
Contact(合作联系): JH.W | Email: info#jun.red, info#xbean.net.
Copyright(C) Bean Private Digital Assets Proprietary. | Hong is Red, Red is Hong